This is baby Dax, he is 1 month old and is the happiest newborn I have ever seen! This was such a special session. I have been knowing his parents for a long time now and they are so sweet. I am so excited for them and their new baby. Baby Dax is the prettiest little guy. Look at all of his hair. So sweet!
oh my goodness, that is the cutest face ever. love it! love it!
He is so cute!
Thank you so very much Tiffany! You have such a wonderful spirit about you and I know you have a bright future ahead of you. Your site and work are fantastic. We had a great time on Saturday. We look forward to a lifetime of sessions with you.
Thanks for the awesome comments everyone.I am a very proud momma :)
He is so cute!
The pictures are great!
Aunt Linda
I always loved my children very much, but you never know a love you feel for your grandchildren could be so strong....
Love My Boys,
PS: Tiff you did a wonderful job capturing the beauty of my little man..... Thanks
I love your website! I have know you since you were born and I am very impressed at how you have grown to be such a talented woman and its apparent that you are a wonderful wife and mother.
Love the sneak preview of my "little man" Dax. I can't wait to see the whole session. He is a cutie pie!
Fran (AKA Nana)
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